A mnemonic (nee-MON-ic) is a simple trick to assist in remembering something not directly related. For instance, HOMES for the names of the Great Lakes. Telephone mnemonics often use the letters on the telephone dial to spell words. As the list has grown much longer, I have separated out the intentional choices, clearly chosen specifically because of the mnemonic shown, from the ones that may have been, or in some cases undoubtedly were, accidents.
Code | Mnem. | Area | Notes |
229 | ABY | GA: southwestern | ✈️ ABY Albany Airport |
246 | BIM | 🇧🇧 Barbados | local nickname for Barbados |
264 | ANG | 🇦🇮 Anguilla (Caribbean) | |
268 | ANT | 🇦🇬 ANTigua and Barbuda | (Caribbean) |
284 | BVI | 🇻🇬 British Virgin Islands | |
321 | — | FL: Space Coast, Cape Canaveral | 3-2-1-blastoff! 🧑🚀🚀 |
352 | FLA | FL: Gainesville, Ocala | |
386 | FUN | FL: Daytona Beach | Spring Break! |
I-56 | 🖥️ Int’l inbound 56K | (discontinued in 2017) | |
463 | IND | IN: Indianapolis | |
473 | GRE | 🇬🇩 Grenada (Caribbean) | |
NAP | CA: NAPa and Sonoma Counties | (planned 3-way split of 707 was cancelled) | |
649 | — | 🇹🇨 Turks & Caicos (Caribbean) | most numbers are 649-946-xxxx; (649 = MIX, but that’s probably by accident) |
726 | SAN | San Antonio | SAN antonio |
758 | S Lu | 🇱🇨 St. Lucia | (Caribbean) |
767 | ROS | 🇩🇲 Dominica (Caribbean) | capital is ROSeau |
784 | SVG | 🇻🇨 St. Vincent & the Grenadines | (Caribbean) |
786 | SUN | FL: Miami/Dade | ☀️😎 |
787 | Pt R | 🇵🇷 Puerto Rico | |
847 | VIP | IL: north suburbs of Chicago | |
859 | UKY | KY: Lexington, Covington | Univ. of Kentucky |
865 | VOL | TN: Knoxville | U. Tenn. VOLs (Volunteers) |
867 | TOP | 🇨🇦 Yukon, NWT, Nunavut (northern Canada) | TOP of the world |
868 | TnT | 🇹🇹 Trinidad & Tobago | (Caribbean) |
872 | USA | IL: Chicago (312 & 773) | Chicago is 🇺🇸 America’s crossroads |
925 | WAL | CA: WALnut Creek, Livermore | also 925=Y2K (925 created in 1998) |
Code | Mnem. | Area | Notes |
223 | ACE | PA: Harrisburg | State gov’t is ACE? (also ABE, BAD, BAE, CAD…) |
224 | BAH | IL: north sub’s of Chicago | BAH humbug if you’re not a VIP (overlay of 847 = VIP) |
234 | BEG | OH: Akron, Canton, Youngstown | Please can we have a new code? |
235 | AFK | MO: Springfield, Jefferson City (overlays 573) | I’m Away From my Keyboard, probably because I’m using my All-Electric Kitchen |
236 | CDN | 🇨🇦 BC: entire province | Yes, we’re CanaDiaN! |
242 | BHA | 🇧🇸 Bahamas | BaHAmas, or bAHAmas |
248 | BIT | MI: Oakland County, Pontiac | Not all the Detroit suburbs, just a BIT |
253 | ALE | WA: Tacoma | Lots of brew pubs? |
263 | AME | 🇨🇦 QC: Montréal | Montréal, c’est l’âme du Québec (Montreal is the soul of Quebec) |
269 | ANY | MI: Kalamazoo | ANY COY BOY wants a BMW in a BOX |
276 | ARM | VA: southwestern | Keep us at ARM’s length from D.C., BRO! |
274 | ASH | WI: Green Bay (overlays 920) | CRIkey, ARI, BRIng the ASH for the APHids or we’ll be on CSI |
279 | CRY | CA: Sacramento | Boo hoo, I didn’t get a 916 number |
283 | ATE | OH: Cincinnati | Cincy ATE up all the 513 numbers, BUD |
289 | AUX | 🇨🇦 ON: Toronto suburbs | secondary code (BTW, also BUY) |
323 | FAD | CA: downtown Los Angeles | the epicenter of DAD trendiness |
324 | FAG | FL: Jacksonville (overlays 904) | probably an accident, but don’t tell the governor! |
326 | FAN | OH: Dayton (overlays 937) | YES (937), Dayton is a FAN of area codes! |
327 | FAS | AR:most (and before long, all) of the state | Arkansas is growing FASt |
332 | DEB | NY: Manhattan | DEBut of a new area code for 🎄DECember or 💝FEBruary |
339 | FEW | MA: near suburbs of Boston (overlays 781) | not many people know 781 has an overlay |
343 | DIE | 🇨🇦 ON: Ottawa | I’d DIE for a 613 number |
346 | DIM | TX: Houston | We take a DIM view of new numbers? |
347 | DIP | NY: NYC except Manhattan | Take a DIP in the East River! |
(357) | ELP | CA: Fresno (will overlay 559) | Would’ve been a great area code for EL Paso |
364 | DOG | KY: Paducah (overlays 270) | This DOG’ll hunt? |
367 | D’OR | 🇨🇦 QC: Québec (overlays 418) | ENQuébec, c’est la ville D’OR (FOR ms-DOS) |
369 | FOX | CA: Napa, Sonoma (overlays 707) | need a FOX to guard all the wine |
382 | ETC | 🇨🇦 ON: London, Windsor | overlays 519, ETC., etc. |
423 | ICE | TN: Chattanooga | We HAD to say, the South is twICE as nICE |
424 | GAG | CA: coastal L.A. County (overlays 310) | icky overlay cancelled (but reinstated!) |
425 | HAL | WA: Redmond | all-powerful computer run amok |
428 | HAT | 🇨🇦 NB: whole province | You can hang up your HAT in New Brunswick! |
435 | HEL | UT: rural areas | incl. HELper, Utah |
437 | HER | 🇨🇦 ON: Toronto | The Queen’s City, never know when HER majesty might visit |
438 | GET | 🇨🇦 QC: Montréal | Did you GET my number? À quelle HEUre? |
443 | HID | MD: Baltimore | You should’ve HID that GIF! |
445 | HIL | PA: Philadelphia | Welcome to pHILadelphia! |
447 | HIS | IL: Champaign, Springfield | What’s HIS phone number? Is he HIP? |
469 | HOW | TX: Dallas | HOW many area codes?? |
475 | IRK | CT: southwestern | new code annoys some |
(483) | GTE | AL: Montgomery () | Nostalgic for crappy phone service? or maybe you’re looking for a Heads-Up Display? |
484 | HUG | PA: Philadelphia suburbs | You’ve got a friend in Pennsylvania! |
534 | LEG | WI: Eau Claire | Show some LEG in Wisconsin winter! |
539 | KEY | OK: Tulsa | Tulsa has the KEY to your heart |
548 | KIT | 🇨🇦 ON: London, Windsor, Kitchener | KITchener is all LIT up |
562 | JOB | CA: Long Beach | Get a JOB, you beach bums! |
563 | JOE | IA: Quad Cities | We’re average JOEs |
564 | LOG | WA: western (overlays 360, soon 206, and later 425 and 253) | JOG to the timber industry, or build a KOI pond |
573 | LSD | MO: Columbia, Jefferson City | incl. 😵💫 state capital, home of the KREmlin’s Mardi Gras KREwe |
574 | KRI | IN: South Bend | KRIs KRIngle, or maybe KRIs KRIstofferson? |
575 | KQJ | NM: Las Cruces, Taos, 👽Roswell🛸 | Little green men can’t spell! |
585 | JUL | NY: Rochester | JULy is when the snow melts |
623 | MAD | AZ: west Phoenix area | Angry about the 3-way split? It’s now an overlay! |
624 | NAG | NY: Buffalo (overlays 716) | Don’t forget to update your phone lists, and take out the trash, and feed the cat, and … |
626 | MAN | CA: Pasadena | Man, oh, man! Do you play the OBOe? |
628 | OCT | CA: San Francisco (overlays 415) | the NAVy comes in OCTober for Fleet Week |
629 | MAY | TN: Nashville (overlays 615) | Please, MAY I have your number? |
636 | MEN | MO: St. Charles, suburbs of St. Louis | Real MEN don’t use 314? |
639 | NEW | 🇨🇦 SK: whole province | Saskatchewan has a NEW area code! (not so new any more…) |
645 | MIL | FL: Miami and the Keys (overlays 305) | Lots of MILitary around MILami |
646 | MHN | NY: Manhattan NYC | ManHattaN; Not In My 212 |
647 | MIS | 🇨🇦 ON: Toronto | should’ve given this one to MISsisauga |
662 | MOB | MS: northern | the MOB demanded a new number |
664 | Mo I | 🇲🇸 Montserrat Island | (Caribbean) |
667 | MOR | MD: Baltimore, north/east | OOPs, NOPe, baltiMORe has the MOSt MOPs |
669 | NOW | CA: San José, Silicon Valley (overlays 408) | Silicon Valley is the NOW place to be, totally happenin’, dude |
672 | NPA | 🇨🇦 BC: entire province | What’s your NPA? NPA. Who’s on first? |
678 | Mr T | GA: Atlanta | The A-Team OPTs to live in Atlanta? |
(679) | OSX | MI: Detroit (will overlay 313) | big Apple fans |
684 | MUG | 🇦🇸 American Samoa | souvenir for your coffee? |
689 | MUY | FL: Orlando (overlays 407) | MUY bien, Orlando loves MUZak? |
725 | PAL | NV: Las Vegas (overlays 702) | the dealer ♠️♥️♦️♣️ wants to be your PAL? |
727 | RAP | FL: St. Petersburg | St. Pete has it all, from RAP to PBS |
728 | RAT | FL: Palm Beach (overlays 561) | PAT the RAT SAT in the SAVory SAUce |
(729) | SAY | TN: Chattanooga, Johnson City (will overlay 423) | SAY, RAY, i SAW you PAY for that SAX |
732 | SEA | NJ: Jersey Shore | lots of RECreation by the SEA shore |
734 | PEG | MI: Ann Arbor | REIgning REGulation PEGs for SEGues |
737 | REP | TX: Austin (overlays 512) | Call your state REPresentative in SEPtember |
738 | SET | CA: downtown Los Angeles (overlays 213 & 323) | Downtown is SET to have three area codes, unless the PETs stage a REVolution |
742 | SHA | 🇨🇦 ON: Toronto suburbs (overlays 905) | SHAre the RHApsody of an RGB PICture of Mississauga |
743 | SHE | NC: Greensboro, Winston-Salem | SHE gets RID of the PIE, SID |
747 | SIR | CA: San Fernando Valley (NW Los Angeles) | Yes, SIR! I’m a PIRate 🏴☠️ SISter |
(748) | SIT | CO: Grand Junction (overlays 970) | Good area code! Now, fetch!! |
753 | QLD | 🇨🇦 ON: Ottawa (overlays 613) | G’day, mate, PLEase be nice to the SLEeping Canadians |
754 | SKI | FL: Fort Lauderdale | 954 & 754 overlay |
762 | ROB | GA: northern (overlays 706) | I’ll SMAck the SOB who says we ROB P.O.C.s for SNAcks |
763 | SOD | MN: suburbs north of Minneapolis | Get this SOD off my lawn! |
765 | SOL | IN: Lafayette, central | POKe the POLiticians with SOLar energy |
769 | SOY | MS: Jacksonville | a POX on ROY and his SOY SOX |
772 | SPA | FL: Vero Beach | coastal resorts |
773 | SPE | IL: Chicago | Chicago is even more SPEcial outside downtown |
774 | SPH | MA: Cape Cod (overlays 508) | In this SPHere, we make it a PRIority to only play SPIcy RPGs 🧙🏽🪄 |
775 | SPL | NV: most of the state | SPLat! You’re not in Vegas. |
778 | SQU | 🇨🇦 BC: entire province | PRUdent not to eat the SQUare SPUds |
779 | SPY | IL: Rockford, Joliet | Sooper-seekrit overlay? We won’t PRY |
782 | SUB | 🇨🇦 Nova Scotia & P.E.I. | SUBstitute for a PUB or a RUB |
785 | PUL | KS: Topeka | the PULse of the heartland |
825 | TAK | 🇨🇦 AB: entire province | 825 will TAKe you from TALberta to VALberta |
826 | TAN | VA: D.C. exurbs (overlays 540) | Get some 🫔 TAMales from the TAN VAN! |
828 | TAT | NC: Asheville | We let U-B-U, TATtoos and all |
829 | TAX | 🇩🇴 Dominican Republic | We’ll TAX the UAW! |
832 | TEC | TX: Houston | Houston has high-TECh TEA? |
835 | TEL | PA: Philly suburbs (overlays 610) | Lots of TEL-EPH-ONES |
837 | TES | CA: Redding, Chico (overlays 530) | TESting, 1, 2, 3, is this overlay working yet? |
838 | VET | NY: Albany | We honor VETeran(arian)s! |
839 | TEX | SC: Columbia | Oy VEY, South Carolina annexed by TEXas, how VEXing |
843 | TID | SC: Charleston, coastal | THE TIDewater? |
845 | VIL | NY: Lower Hudson | lots of UGLy VILlages TIL you get to West Point? |
848 | THU | NJ: Jersey Shore (overlays 732) | Let’s go to the SEA (732) shore on THUrsday |
849 | THY | 🇩🇴 Dominican Republic | What is THY third area code? |
857 | UKR | MA: Boston (overlays 617) | Slava 🇺🇦 UKRaini! |
858 | ULT | CA: San Diego | It’s the ULTimate! |
862 | UMB | NJ: Newark (overlays 973) | We could take UMBrage at our overlay, but we are UNBothered |
863 | TOE | FL: Lakeland | dip a TOE in Lake Okeechobee |
864 | UNI | SC: northwest | Good spot for a UNIversity, especially if you like st:TNG |
869 | TOY | 🇰🇳 St. Kitts & Nevis (Caribbean) | an area code is not a TOY |
873 | USE | 🇨🇦 QC: Gatineau, Kuujjuaq (overlays 819) | USE 873 for une TRÈs grand partie of the province |
876 | TRO | 🇯🇲 Jamaica | great place for a TROpical vacation |
878 | TRU | PA: western (overlays 412 and 724) | It’s TRUe, 3 area codes for western PA |
879 | TRY | 🇨🇦 Newfoundland & Labrador (overlay in 2024) | TRY to wait for the overlay |
924 | WAG | MN: Mankato (overlays 507) | 🐕 I’ll WAGer the dogs like it |
929 | WAY | NY: NYC except Manhattan | 🎼 Do you know the WAY to Staten Island? |
936 | ZEN | TX: Huntsville | I’ve a YEN for the ZEN |
937 | YES | OH: Dayton | Say YES to 937! (and 326!) |
938 | YET | AL: Huntsville | There aren’t YET any WET YETis in Alabama |
942 | WHA | 🇨🇦 ON: Toronto (overlays 416) | WHAt’s up with Toronto area codes? |
943 | WHE | GA: Atlanta metro (overlays 404 and 770) | WHEn did Atlanta get another area code? |
945 | WIL | TX: Dallas (overlays 214 and 972) | Star Trek 🖖 guy should get 945-943-2866 (WIL-WHE-ATON) |
947 | ZIP | MI: Pontiac, Troy (overlays 248) | No, WISe guy, these are area codes! |
948 | WIT | VA: Norfolk (overlays 757) | very amusing |
949 | WHY | CA: south Orange County | WHY split 714?? |
972 | WRA | TX: Dallas (mostly suburbs) | Let’s WRAp this one to go |
973 | WRE | NJ: Newark | a pretty WREn in a tree |
975 | XQJ | MO: Kansas City (overlays 816) | seriously, this doesn’t work w_th__t v_w_ls |
978 | WRU | MA: northeastern | fans of the 🏴 Welsh Rugby Union? |
979 | WRY | TX: College Station | Aggies have a WRY sense of humor? |
983 | WTF | CO: Denver | Denver has three area codes? WTF?? |
984 | WTH | NC: Raleigh (overlays 919) | What The Heck? 983 wasn’t available? |
985 | YUL | LA: Hammond | YULetide in the YUKon … Cajun style |
986 | YUM | Idaho | Tasty Idaho potatoes 🥔 |
989 | YUX | MI: Saginaw | 🤣 lots of laffs in the middle of the mitten |
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