The “Locator ”
page (en français ,
en español )
lists the principal time zone and major cities for each area code,
and is also the quickest way to answer the question
“Where is area code ###?”
Area Code Overlays
Due to the increasing use of overlays, the map now shows only
the first area code in an overlay area, with a plus sign to indicate
a current or planned overlay.
The only concentrated overlays, in Florida, Oregon and British Columbia,
have been “unconcentrated,” expanding to cover the entirety of the
original area codes.
In the table below,
the states are slightly out of alphabetical order to
avoid breaking a state across two columns.
(For more detailed information about current and future overlays,
see the
overlays.html page.
For other area code information, check the
main page .)
205 & 659
256 & 938
334 (& 483)
870 & 327
(& 501 & 479)§
209 & 350
213 & 323 § & 738
310 & 424
408 & 669
415 & 628
510 & 341
530 & 837
559 (& 357)
619 & 858 §
707 & 369
714 & 657
760 & 442
805 & 820
818 & 747
909 & 840
916 & 279
303 & 720 & 983
970 (& 748)
305 & 786 (& 645)
407 & 321@ & 689
561 & 728
813 & 656
850 & 448
904 & 324
954 & 754
404 & 770 & 678
& 470 & 943
706 & 762
217 & 447
309 & 861
312 & 773 & 872✻
618 & 730
630 & 331
708 & 464
815 & 779
847 & 224
508 & 774
617 & 857
781 & 339
978 & 351
301 & 240 & 227
410 & 443 & 667
248 & 947
313 (& 679)
734 (& 679)
314 & 557
573 & 235
816 & 975
336 & 743
704 & 980
910 & 472
919 & 984
201 & 551
609 & 640
732 & 848
973 & 862
212 & 646 & 332
& 917✻
315 & 680
516 & 363
518 & 838
631 & 934
716 & 624
718 & 347 & 929
& 917✻ (& 465)
845 & 329
330 & 234
419 & 567
440 & 436
513 & 283
614 & 380
740 & 220
937 & 326
215 & 267 & 445
610 & 484 & 834
412 & 724 & 878✻
570 & 272
717 & 223
814 & 582
803 & 839
843 & 854
864 & 821
210 & 726
214 & 972 & 469
& 945
512 & 737
713 & 281 & 832
& 346 & 621
817 & 682
903 & 430
540 & 826
703 & 571
757 & 948
804 & 686
608 & 353
715 & 534
920 & 274
🇨🇦 CANADA 🇨🇦
& 778✻ & 236✻ & 672✻
(& 257✻)
& 587✻ & 825✻
& 368✻
416 & 647 & 437
(& 942)
519 & 226 & 548 & 382
613 & 343 & 753
705 & 249 & 683
807 only
905 & 289 & 365 & 742
418 & 581 & 367
(& 273)
450 & 579 & 354
514 & 438 & 263
819 & 873 & 468
✻ MISC. ✻
Dominican Republic
🇩🇴 809 & 829 & 849
Table Notations:
% concentrated overlay (new area code covers only part of old)
[none remaining]
(green) overlay has not yet taken effect;
? indicates new code not yet officially confirmed
@ 321 is a separate area code for the coastal area
(the “Space Coast” of Florida),
but also an overlay of the inland 407 area
(including Orlando and DisneyWorld)
✻ one overlay code covers multiple original code areas
§ “Boundary elimination overlay” — a previous split is undone,
creating an overlay of the two existing area codes
‡ (see note below )
Now with Time Zones!
The map now shows time zones!
From the second Sunday in March until the
first Sunday in November each year
— for example, from
2024-11-03 ,
and from
to 2025-11-02
— most areas observe Daylight Saving Time,
moving clocks forward one hour.
The clock for each time zone indicates Standard Time first
and then Daylight Saving Time.
However, some areas do not observe DST:
Hawaii, Arizona (except the Navajo Nation),
Yukon, part of British Columbia, most of Saskatchewan,
small parts of Ontario and Québec,
Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and the CNMI.
These areas observe Standard Time year-round, and so are
displayed with only one time on the clock.
(Note that the entire state of Indiana now
does observe DST.)
Note also that the Aleutian Islands in extreme southwestern Alaska
are in the Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone
(2:00•3:00) , and a small portion of Nunavut in
northern Canada is in Eastern Standard Time year-round (7:00).
Note also that Mexico substantially revised its time zones in 2022;
most of Mexico no longer observes DST.
To convert to international notation ,
subtract 12 hours from the time indicated on the map;
for example, Pacific Time is shown as
4:00 • 5:00 , corresponding to
UTC–08:00 in winter and
UTC–07:00 in summer.
This map shows all telephone area codes in use as of
in the United States and Canada.
Check the separate page for information about the 19-way split in the
Caribbean area.
There is also a Caribbean map ,
which also now shows time zones.
For information on the
effective dates
of new area codes, see the table on the separate page.
All boundaries shown are approximate.
Caribbean/Atlantic area codes not shown on map
The following area codes (in the Caribbean/Atlantic)
are not shown on the map
242 🇧🇸 Bahamas
246 🇧🇧 Barbados
264 🇦🇮 Anguilla
268 🇦🇬 Antigua & Barbuda
284 🇻🇬 British Virgin Isl.
345 🇰🇾 Cayman Islands
441 🇧🇲 Bermuda
473 🇬🇩 Grenada
649 🇹🇨 Turks & Caicos
664 🇲🇸 Montserrat
721 Dutch 🇸🇽 Sint Maarten
758 🇱🇨 St. Lucia
767 🇩🇲 Dominica
784 🇻🇨 St. Vincent & the Grenadines
🇩🇴 Dominican Republic
868 🇹🇹 Trinidad & Tobago
869 🇰🇳 St. Kitts & Nevis
876 🇯🇲 Jamaica
Errata, Updates and
Arizona has implemented a double
boundary elimination overlay, converting the 602/480/623
3-way split into the
602 & 480 & 623
overlay, effective 2023-09-12 .
In theory, any of those three area codes could be used
anywhere in the Phoenix metro area, but in practice, only 623 has a large number
of unused prefixes, so most if not all 602 and 480 numbers will continue to be
located in their respective geographic zones, but 623 numbers will be assigned
throughout all three zones.
Big 10D: In 2021 and 2022, most U.S. area codes
that don’t already have overlays,
will implement mandatory 10-digit dialing
anyway due to a new federal mandate. For more information, see
“The Big 10D .”
Those areas are not indicated on this map.
Yukon changed to year-round
Mountain Standard Time
(5:00 in LincMad notation, UTC–07:00 )
effective 2020-03-08 .
Since Yukon had been in the
Pacific Time Zone,
the effect is the same as remaining permanently on
Pacific Daylight Time.
Also not shown on the map are three
U.S. territories in the Pacific :
Guam 671, American Samoa 684, and the
Commonwealth of the
Northern Mariana Islands 670.
(For more information, see the note below .)
The last time there was an area code split
in the NANP was New Mexico on
2007-10-07 .
The last split in Canada was Alberta on
1999-01-25 .
Since then, it’s been all overlays!
California implemented two
“boundary elimination overlays ”,
which means that two adjacent area codes combine and
intermingle into a single overlay area.
In Los Angeles, area codes 213 and 323 merged on
2017-08-01 ;
in San Diego, area codes 619 and 858 merged on
2018-06-19 .
Downtown Los Angeles added area code 738 as an
overlay on 213 & 323
on 2024-11-01 .
Area code 407 in Florida performed a
Double-Back-Somersault Reverse
Concentrated Overlay with a Twist
in which the “Space Coast” changed to only area code 321,
while the Orlando area became an overlay of
407 & 321 .
The Orlando area again ran short of numbers, so on
area code 689 was added as a further overlay of the
407 & 321 area,
although, at least for the time being, 321 will continue
also to be the non-overlay
code for the Space Coast.
However, the “Space Coast” area changed to mandatory
10-digit dialing anyway, due to
“The Big 10D .”
Overlay area code 564 in western
Washington state
currently covers only area code 360.
However, 564 will also be used to overlay area codes
206, 253, and 425 as they run out of numbers.
Thus, 564 will eventually overlay all of the
western part of Washington state.
Illinois has three planned area code overlays
that have been on “real soon now” status for years, waiting to be
launched on very short notice when the existing area code reaches
a certain trigger point as it runs low on numbers.
The overlay of area code 217 has finally
happened , effective
2021-03-27 .
The overlay of area code 708 was originally approved
in June 1999, with implementation details approved in July 2021.
The 708 & 464
overlay finally took effect on
2022-01-21 ;
the 618 & 730
overlay took effect on 2023-07-07 .
The entire state of Illinois is now in area code overlays.
The Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador
finally implemented the overlay of its area code 709
with the new code 879. The overlay was scheduled for
2018-11-24 ,
but it was postponed several times and ultimately suspended;
however, it is now in effect, as of
Jamaica implemented an overlay
2019-04-30 .
Existing area code 876 was overlaid with new area code 658.
However, the first actual 658 numbers were not assigned until
May 2023 .
The island of Saint Martin in the Caribbean
is divided into two territories.
The north side is the French overseas collectivity of Saint-Martin;
the south side is the Dutch municipality of
Sint Maarten ,
until recently part of the Netherlands Antilles.
However, Sint Maarten has politically separated from
the rest of the Netherlands Antilles, although it remains part of
the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Along with the political change, Sint Maarten also changed from
the old international country code of
as dialed from North America) to the
North American area code 721
(+1 721 ,
for the rest of the world).
This change did not affect French Saint-Martin
nor the rest of the Netherlands Antilles
(+599 & +297) .
The 7-digit number in Sint Maarten remained the same;
all existing numbers begin with ‘5’.
The telephone code change was originally planned for
2010-05-31 , but was postponed until
2011-09-30 ,
with permissive dialing until
2012-09-30 .
Use of the new North American area code
+1 721
is now mandatory.
Sint Maarten’s new Internet domain,
.sx , is now active.
(informatie in het Nederlands •
renseignements en français )
Area code 920, serving northeastern Wisconsin
including Green Bay, was originally scheduled for an overlay in 2012,
but number conservation measures have allowed the overlay
to be postponed significantly. The 274 overlay was finally officially
scheduled for 2024-03-22 , but has
been advanced to 2023-05-05 .
The overlay is now in effect.
Area code 870, serving most of Arkansas , was
scheduled for an overlay in 2013, but number conservation
measures allowed the overlay to be postponed indefinitely.
The 327 overlay was then scheduled for
2024-06-04 ,
but 7 months later the date was advanced to
2024-02-20 ,
when the overlay did in fact take effect.
State regulators are also planning to do a “boundary elimination”
overlay of the entire state in 2027, which will result in the
501 & 479 & 870 & 327
Area code 270 in Kentucky was planned for a
geographic split, with the westernmost part of the state changing
to area code 364, but the split was repeatedly postponed and
finally cancelled — but then brought back as an overlay in 2014!
Area code 814 in western Pennsylvania was set
for a geographic split some time in 2012 or 2013.
However, number conservation efforts gave 814 some breathing room.
As a result, the split was postponed, and the PPUC decided on an
overlay of 814 & 582 ,
effective 2021-05-01 .
The entire state of Pennsylvania now has overlays.
The small town of Hyder, Alaska , is served by
the telephone system in adjacent Stewart, B.C., Canada, in
area codes 250, 778, and 236 (but so far not area code 672).
Calls to Hyder from other parts of the U.S., including other
parts of Alaska, are billed at the international rates for Canada.
Conversely, calls between Hyder and any point in Canada are
billed as Canadian domestic calls.
The even smaller settlement of Estcourt Station, Maine ,
the very northernmost point in New England, is served by the telephone system
in neighbo(u)ring Pohénégamook, Québec, using area codes 418 and 581.
Just as in Hyder, calls to Estcourt Station, from whatever location,
are billed as calls to Canada.
The entire state of Nevada is in the
Pacific Time Zone
(4:00 • 5:00) ,
with the exception of the town of West Wendover ,
which is officially in Mountain
(5:00 • 6:00)
to match neighboring Wendover, UT.
However, several other Nevada towns and rural areas near the
Utah or Idaho border unofficially observe Mountain Time.
Three U.S. territories in the Pacific
now have area codes. Guam is area code 671.
The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
(incl. Saipan and Tinian) is area code 670.
American Samoa is area code 684.
All three can be dialed “one-plus” from the US and Canada,
or using country code
from outside the NANP.
Calls from the US mainland to these locations should be
billed as domestic calls, but may or may not be included
in “nationwide” calling plans.
However, note that the independent state of Samoa
(formerly known as Western Samoa) retains country code
(i.e., dial
011–685 ).
Furthermore, the CNMI’s old country code
011–670 )
has been recycled for Timor Leste (East Timor),
an island nation north of Australia.
Colophon; Printing the map
The map above is hand-drawn, using an underlay of the
state and county maps in the Map Art collection from
Map Resources
< >
The data for the map is compiled from various telecom industry sources,
including state regulatory agencies, local exchange carriers, and
published telephone listings.
The map uses a Plat Carré projection.
The font used on the map is
“Overpass ”
from Google Fonts, created by Delve Withrington/Delve Fonts,
used under the SIL Open Font License.
The map and all derivative works are copyrighted, with the
copyright registered with the United States Library of Congress.
Commercial use requires written permission from the copyright holder.
Printing the Map:
If you click on the map, it will load in a new window or tab.
If your browser or other software supports SVG graphics, you should
be able to print it at a scale to fit on one page. The fonts and
other features will scale automatically for optimum print resolution.
You can also save the map to your hard disk.
However, you may not redistribute the map in printed or
electronic form without a license.
Please do not link directly to the map image from other web sites;
link to this page
Brief list
of area codes and place names, listed numerically
(“Where is area code xxx?”) —
Now with Time Zones!
Detailed listing
of area codes and place names, listed by state/province
(“What cities and towns are in area code xxx in state X?”)
Cumulative listing
of all area code splits from 1995 to 2007,
numerically by original area code.
(“The old number was in area code xxx;
what area codes might it be in now?”)
Listing of international
telephone country codes and Internet country codes
(ccTLD s)
Map of Africa ,
showing Internet country codes and telephone country and city codes.
Return to LincMad’s Telephone Area Code page
©1997–2025 Linc Madison ,
d.b.a. LincMad Consulting, all rights reserved.
The area code map is registered copyright
©2005 , Linc Madison, with modifications
copyright ©2022 .
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Last updated
2025-02-27 ;
map last updated
2022-02-20 . received over a million visits from 1997 until the counter broke.