LincMad’s Planned Area Codes Not Yet in Service

Last updated

(If you would like to see my unofficial guesses for upcoming new area codes, try the Predictions page.)

new NPA Location old NPA(s) effective NANPA PLs & CRTC Decisions status
257 🇨🇦 BC: entire province 604, 250, etc. PL-612, CRTC 2023-135 Active • actif
273 🇨🇦 QC: (la Ville de) Québec (City), Gaspé; 418, 581, 367 draft planning document [en] relief plan pending regulatory approval planification d’allègement en attente d’approbation réglementaire
(327) AR: Jonesboro 870 PL-604 [now in use] date advanced by 3½ months;
note that Arkansas is also planning a “boundary elimination” overlay for the entire state in 2027, resulting in the 501 & 479 & 870 & 327 overlay area
357 CA: Fresno 559 PL-624, CPUC press release Active, date confirmed
457 LA: Shreveport, Alexandria 318 PL-617, LPSC decision Active
460 🇨🇦 ON: Sudbury 705 CRTC 2022-308 [en] CRTC 2022-308 [fr] Active • actif: officially announced, subject to change • officiellement annoncé, sous réserve
465 NY: Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, Staten Island 718, etc. state press release officially announced, date t.b.d.
471 MS: Greenville, Tupelo, northern Mississippi 662 PL-627, MS-PSC press release Active, officially scheduled
483 AL: Montgomery, southeastern Alabama 334 PL-626 Active
564 WA: Seattle 360 & 564
PL-620 360 & 564 overlay will expand to include 206 (and later 425 and 253)
(621) TX: Houston 713 & 281, etc. PL-623 [now in use]
679 MI: Detroit 313, 734 PL-618, PL-227, PL-209 Active: reinstated and scheduled (for 313 only); 734 & 679 overlay will be announced when 734 nears exhaust
729 TN: Chattanooga, Bristol 423 PL-629, PL-619, press release Active, date postponed by 6 months
(738) CA: downtown Los Angeles 213 & 323 PL-614, CPUC order, press release [now in use]
748 CO: Grand Junction, northern and western Colorado 970 PL-625, PUC press release Active, officially scheduled
(821) SC: Greenville, northwestern 864 PL-606 [now in use]
(837) CA: Redding, Lake Tahoe 530 PL-621, press release [now in use]
(924) MN: Rochester, Mankato 507 PL-616, news article, MN PUC decision [now in use]
942 🇨🇦 ON: Toronto 416, etc. PL-613, CRTC 2023-135 Active • actif


About This Table

This table lists area codes (NPAs) that have been assigned but are not yet active, in numerical order by the new area code. The location lists the principal city of the area in question. The old NPA(s) is/are the currently active area code(s) of that area: if two or more codes are separated by ampersands (&), those area codes are already in an overlay and the new area code will be added to that overlay complex; if two codes are separated by commas, those area codes currently serve two distinct geographic areas, but the new area code will overlay both. The effective date is the earliest date on which end-user numbers in the new area code can be made available; dates shown in italics? are not yet officially confirmed. Note: all dates are in year-month-day format, so = April 29, 2028. The notation indicates the 2nd Quarter of 2027.

NANPA PLs identifies the Planning Letters related to the new NPA; click on the link to download the Planning Letter (PDF format). Items labeled as CRTC are official documents from the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes), rather than from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA), per se. [Pour accéder à ces documents en français, cliquer sur le lien ici vers le document anglais, puis cliquer sur «Français» dans le coin supérieur droit de la page.] Within each category, the Planning Letters or other documents are listed in reverse chronological order. The status is generally either Active (the activation of the new area code has been scheduled, or administrative proceedings are currently in process) or Suspended (area code activation not scheduled and administrative proceedings formally suspended), with other information as appropriate. A year shown with a question mark is an estimate based on best available information.

In addition, the Canadian CRTC recently announced several codes planned for the next decade. Area codes 403 and 780, the entire province of Alberta, will be overlaid with 568, probably around 2027. Area code 902, the provinces of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, will be overlaid with 851, and area code 905, the suburbs of Toronto, will be overlaid with 537, both probably around 2028. Area code 705 in central Ontario will be overlaid with 460, probably around 2031.

NANPA has also released a list of codes planned for future expansion of 500 non-geographic services: 535, 538, 542, 543, 545, 546, 547, 549, 550, 552, 553, 554, 556, 558, 569, 578, and 589. All of the so-called 5YY codes (500, 522, 533, 544, 566, 577, and 588; 511, 555, and 599 are reserved) have been assigned, so NANPA is now assigning random unused 5XX codes, beginning with 521 and 523 through 529 and 532, to be followed by the codes shown above.

This table is modeled after NANPA’s page Planned NPAs Not Yet in Service, but with accurate and up-to-date information, for a refreshing change.