Predictions for New Area Codes


The information below relates to new area codes that are expected in the 2020s. Except where noted, the new area codes have not yet been announced officially, but the predictions are guesses based on other publicly available information. In the table below, “NPA” is the current area code, “Exhaust” is the date (calendar quarter) the current area code is projected to run out of number blocks, and “New” is my prediction for the new area code that will be assigned. The new area code typically takes effect six months to a year before the projected exhaust date. If a full date is given, that is the confirmed official effective date of the new area code.

NPA State Exhaust New notes
314 MO 557 ✔ now in effect; originally announced in 2001
910 NC 472 ✔ officially confirmed; date advanced nearly 5 months
209 CA 350 ✔ new area code finally officially announced, with less than 6 months to go
516 NY 363 ✔ now in effect
707 CA 369 ✔ 707/369/627 split planned for 2000; 707 & 369 overlay took effect in 2023
309 IL 861 ✔ now in effect
561 FL 728 ✔ now in effect
845 NY 329 ✔ now in effect
513 OH 789 🚫 513 & 283 overlay originally planned for 2002; it’s 283 after all, despite having assigned 513-283-xxxx numbers; 283 now in effect
920 WI 274 now in effect; announced in 2008 for 2012; ✔ finally scheduled, but then advanced by 9½ months
301 MD 227 ✔ 301 & 240 (& 227); date finally set
618 IL 730 ✔ announced in 2005, happened in 2023
305 FL 645 ✔ now in effect; 305 & 786 & 645
480 AZ 852 🚫 The 602/480/623 split was converted to the 602 & 480 & 623 overlay; in practice, mostly new 623 numbers will be assigned in the 480 and 602 areas
608 WI 353 ✔︎ now in effect
816 MO 975 ✔ now in effect; originally announced in 2001
716 NY 624 or 927? ✔︎ now in effect
804 VA 686 ✔ now in effect or 653 or 583
870 AR 327 ✔ now in use — originally planned for 2013; in 2027, will expand to cover all of Arkansas
904 FL 324 ✔ now in effect
440 OH 436 ✔ now in effect
573 MO 235 ✔ now in effect
864 SC 821 ✔ now in effect; South Carolina really likes 8s!
507 MN 924 ✔ now in effect
530 CA 837 ✔ now in effect
559 CA 357 ✔ officially confirmed and scheduled
970 CO 958? 853 or 654 🚫 out of left field: 748
423 TN 729 ✔ officially confirmed, postponed by 6 months
602 AZ 676 🚫 623 now overlays 602 and 480; 676 may be added later, or 676 may overlay 520 instead
313 MI 679 ✔ officially confirmed; originally announced in 2000; 679 will also overlay 734 when it nears exhaust
662 MS 221 or 958?? 🚫 out of left field: 471
334 AL 483 ✔ officially confirmed
714 CA 482 educated guess
418 QC 273 awaiting confirmation
502 KY 761  
352 FL 852 576 ruled out
520 AZ 676  
949 CA 663 was expected in 2025, pushed back to ~2027
626 CA 481 or 230
509 WA ??? 583 or 958 ?
912 GA 746 or 426
701 ND 921 or 823?
765 IN 634  
828 NC 451  
914 NY 926 or 927 or 981? or 982?
956 TX 449  
905 ON 537 (officially announced, subject to change • officiellement annoncé, sous réserve)
908 NJ 749  
951 CA 752 original plan in 1999 was 909/951 split in 2000, followed by 909 & 752 overlay in 2001; 909/951 split happened in 2004, followed by 909 & 840 overlay in 2021
902 NS PEI 851 (officially announced, subject to change • officiellement annoncé, sous réserve)
989 MI 852  
AB 568 (officially announced, subject to change • officiellement annoncé, sous réserve)
605 SD 476 was expected in 2025, pushed back to ~2029
229 GA ??? anyone’s guess: no suitable candidates reserved
505 NM 335 or 957
785 KS 287  
806 TX 232 was expected in 2025, pushed back to ~2029
218 MN 923  
501 AR 953 870 & 327 overlay will expand over the entire state in 2027
705 ON 460 (officially announced, subject to change • officiellement annoncé, sous réserve)
603 NH 946 number conservation efforts have repeatedly pushed back the exhaust date
580 OK 359  
585 NY 459 or 221?
254 TX 446  
620 KS 261 or 823
650 CA 764 originally announced in 1999 for
856 NJ 280  
406 MT 536  
928 AZ 827  
207 ME 258 or 953 or 981 or 383 or 673
417 MO 982 or 643?
413 MA 421  
231 MI 987  
308 NE 471 or 621? anyone’s guess 🙈🎯

It is certainly possible — indeed likely — that some of these predictions will be proven wrong, but I expect my accuracy to be 80+%. (Predictions that have been officially confirmed are listed in gray✔; predictions that have been proven wrong are listed in red🚫.) However, with limited exceptions, this information has not been corroborated with NANPA, with any state agency, or with any telephone company; it is therefore provided entirely without warranty of any kind.

It is much more difficult to predict the new area code to be added to an area that already has an overlay, and somewhat difficult even in non-overlay areas that now have 10-digit local calling due to the 988 mandate. However, Canadian authorities have revealed (subject to change) that 257 will be the next area code for British Columbia, and 942 will be the next area code for the city of Toronto (not including suburbs). Both are expected in . The CRTC also recently announced several additional codes for expected overlays in the next decade.

NANPA has also announced several codes that are reserved for future expansion of the 500 non-geographic services code: 535, 538, 542, 543, 545, 546, 547, 549, 550, 552, 553, 554, 556, 558, 569, 578, and 589. Those area codes will not be assigned for any geographic area code relief.